Testimonies for the Church Volume 5   (4)
Actions reveal principles and motives. The fruit borne by many who claim to be plants in the Lord’s vineyard shows them to be but thorns and briers. A whole church may sanction the wrong course of some of its members, but that sanction does not prove the wrong to be right. It cannot make grapes of thorn berries. (5T 103.1) MC VC
If some who profess to believe present truth could understand their true position, they would despair of the mercy of God. They have been exerting all their influence against the truth, against the voice of warning, against the people of God. They have been doing the work of Satan. Many have become so infatuated by his deceptions that they will never recover. Such a state of backsliding cannot exist without causing the loss of many souls. (5T 103.2) MC VC
The church has received warning after warning. The duties and dangers of God’s people have been plainly revealed. But the worldly element has proved too strong for them. Customs, practices, and fashions which lead the soul away from God have been for years gaining ground in defiance of the warnings and entreaties of the Holy Spirit, until at last their ways have become right in their own eyes, and the Spirit’s voice is scarcely heard. No man can tell how far he may go in sin when once he yields himself to the power of the great deceiver. Satan entered into Judas Iscariot and induced him to betray his Lord. Satan led Ananias and Sapphira to lie to the Holy Ghost. Those who are not wholly consecrated to God may be led to do the work of Satan, while yet they flatter themselves that they are in the service of Christ. (5T 103.3) MC VC
Brethren and sisters, I entreat you to “examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.” 2 Corinthians 13:5. To maintain the warmth and purity of Christian love requires a constant supply of the grace of Christ. Have you employed every means that your “love may abound yet more and more,” “that ye may approve things that are excellent,” and be filled with the fruits of righteousness “which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God?” Philippians 1:9-11. (5T 103.4) MC VC